Fondazione Aldo Morelato


The pieces which belong to this collection regard classical objects (belonging to history)  faithful copies of original pieces. The pieces which best express the concept of “re-editions” are those which Morelato has produced in occasion of the exhibitions dedicated to this production sector in occasion o f the Abitare Il Tempo fair.

Among these, the one curated by Ugo la Pietra dedicated to Guglielmo Ulrich (Electa catalogue) in September 1994, to which many other have to be added such as the sofa by Herman Ernst Fred (re-designed by Luca Scacchetti) and the many re-editions re-proposed by the European Institute for Design in Rome and the Institute for Industrial Design of the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo.


SPIDER, Centro Ricerche MAAM, 2017
SCRIVANIA, Eugene Printz, 2006
UNO SULL ALTRO, Ugo La Pietra, 2005
DORMEUSE, V. Hofman 1912, 2004
SEDIOLINA da ‘STUDIO DI POLTRONA’, F. De Pero 1921-22, 2002
DIVANO, Hermann Ernst Freund, Ridisegno Luca Scacchetti, 1998
MOBILE DA INGRESSO, M. Lonardi, N. Gasperini, C. Rizzo, G. Ferrarese, 1995
COMONCINO, Guglielmo Ulrich, 1994
SCRIVANIA, Guglielmo Ulrich, 1994
SCRANNO, Anonimo, Ridisegno D.Cambellotti, 1992
ARCA e PORTAVASO, Anonimo, Ridisegno D. Cambellotti, 1992
CREDENZA 1925, Anonimo, Ridisegno di Elda Salvadori, 1991
MOBILE 1925, Anonimo, Ridisegno di B.Musso, 1991
  MOBILE RUSSO, Lazar Markovichy, 2003
CASSETTONE, Carlo Mollino, 2005
  SCRIVANIA 900, Centro Ricerche MAAM, 1995
LETTO GIO, Centro Ricerche MAAM, 2010